The Bergson smear campaign April 4, 2008 I got a call tonight from someone who described me as their hero……Awwwwww, Gosh! They told me how Dr. Dixon had come to the… Continue Reading
No one was removing my post April 4, 2008 Or, I should say, I did it. I punched the wrong button inadvertantly. So, there’s been no hacking going on. I guess I’m glad… Continue Reading
A defective petition April 4, 2008 The School District’s Twin Cities lawyers, whose contract I voted for when I was on the Board, told the District that our Plan B… Continue Reading
“We are the soundtrack to the Rapture.” April 4, 2008 4Track films has just released a trailer for its first feature film “God Rocks.” 4Track is a local outfit and last year their ice… Continue Reading
Mike Jaros’ Intent April 4, 2008 The News Tribune published a passive-aggressive editorial digging Mike Jaros today. It was pretty loopy criticism of Mike and his intentions. It didn’t quite… Continue Reading
Dr. Dixon explains Faribault April 3, 2008 Dr. Dixon had this to say about his years in Faribault in the March 27th 2008, Reader Weekly: “What she [Dr. Dixon is probably… Continue Reading
Who is removing my posts? April 3, 2008 I just discovered that one of my blog posts has been removed. How that happened I have no idea and its very intriguing. Is… Continue Reading
Why should western Duluth pay to segregate itself? April 3, 2008 Mike Jaros asks a very good question. Why should his voters in west Duluth pay to be segregated from the rest of the city?… Continue Reading
The Red Plan spawns more critics April 3, 2008 Today’s Trib introduced us to a new group that is attempting to dial back the Red Plan. The Trib’s Ed reporter mentioned them to… Continue Reading
65% April 3, 2008 Yesterday the Trib had an online poll asking readers how many favored Mike Jaros’ bill, HF 4127 which would, according to the School District’s… Continue Reading
We didn’t break the law April 1, 2008 I saw the Jaros bill covered on the evening news tonight. Dr. Dixon was interviewed about his thoughts on Mike’s bill which would make… Continue Reading
House File 4127 April 1, 2008 I’ve been sending personal individual emails to state legislators today asking them to support Mike Jaros in helping pass his bill. Its HF 4127… Continue Reading
The level I would stoop to April 1, 2008 An email exchange this morning: To me from anonymous: Harry, I cannot believe that you and your group would stoop to having Mike Jaros… Continue Reading
Who’s reporting the Red Plan? April 1, 2008 Finally, the Duluth News Tribune reported on Rep. Mike Jaros’s bill which could potentially cripple the Red Plan a week after he introduced it…. Continue Reading