I endorse this editorial September 9, 2013 As one of the nine School Board members who created and or protected the “ten percent reserve” which ended up at about $23 million… Continue Reading
We just Jack Benny-ied August 17, 2013 My daughter just sent us a text message congratulating us on our 39th Anniversary. Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Cool. No more blogging today for… Continue Reading
Dialogue on the Red Plan August 15, 2013 So far the DNT coverage does not bode well for a referendum let alone an expansion of it. Today a “Follow-up” of a cogent… Continue Reading
“Kind of Random” Duluth history January 5, 2013 Woke up early. Laid in bed thinking about things from my past: specificially the 1960’s, Junior High, a friend’s sexual indiscretions. After an hour… Continue Reading
Who without fanfare or celebration x’s 2 January 3, 2013 My wife noticed a new free magazine the other day, The Duluth Quarterly” and squinted at it hard before turning up her nose at… Continue Reading
No Republicans in Duluth’s legislative future September 26, 2012 Get ready for Representative Simonson……a great employee “He will be missed as our union president.” and daughter abandoner. Its only fair. The State Supreme… Continue Reading
After the Democratic Party’s opening convention night…. September 5, 2012 …there is no way the local DFL could nominate Assistant Fire Chief Simonson to replace Kerry Gauthier in good conscience: Erik Simonson’s mother, Beatrice… Continue Reading
Hockey ain’t everyone’s cup of tea March 5, 2012 Forget the recent articles about hyped up kids checking the legs out from other kids on Minnesota rinks. Not everyone is a hockey fan…. Continue Reading
Chuck Frederick sticks up for Roger Reinert’s… February 17, 2012 …attention seeking proposal for a Duluth based Viking’s stadium. Who better to defend Duluth’s honor from the sophisticates at the Strib than the author… Continue Reading
Roger’s Viking Stadium February 17, 2012 I’m not the only one who rolled their eyes when I saw our Senator Reinert pitch a Vikings Stadium in Duluth. I guess like… Continue Reading
Why the Hell didn’t I think of that? February 9, 2012 We’re talking some serious gravy train here. Oh yeah. Now I remember. Roger supported the Red Plan too when he could have guaranteed a… Continue Reading
and just who brung the Mayor? February 8, 2012 My inbox today has one email from an unimpressed observer: Well, that mayor who insisted he couldn’t be involved in the Red Plan while… Continue Reading
Hind tit January 21, 2012 I take some satisfaction in knowing that the richest school community, Congdon, had to wait as long as the poorest school community, Grant/Nettleton to… Continue Reading
The Mayor speaks December 15, 2011 Bout time: Because of the negative impact of the Red Plan on the central part of the city with the closing of Central High… Continue Reading
Suddenly the City is all over Central High School November 18, 2011 A bitter emailer comments on the City’s plans for the Duluth School District’s excess property: The city stood quietly by when the school district… Continue Reading
Nobodies talking about it October 5, 2011 Only about twenty people went to last night’s school board forum. That’s a bit of a rebuttal to the notion of building something so… Continue Reading
While Duluth’s public school enrollment declines college enrollment grows September 29, 2011 The DNT did include a graphic from today’s newsprint story on the increase in enrollment numbers at local colleges. Its funny but when the… Continue Reading
The government payroll [BIGOT ALERT] September 23, 2011 I’m kicking myself for letting an old habit lapse. I used to clip or hang onto old DNT’s that had info I was interested… Continue Reading
Virgil’s swing… September 3, 2011 …is not a miss. Only his Budgeteer column is missing from the DNT’s online site. That’s too bad. He points out that the public… Continue Reading
American Spring? August 21, 2011 I just watched a few minutes of the television coverage of what seems to be the imminent fall of Colonel Khadafi. Couldn’t happen to… Continue Reading