The GOP proposed Congressional redistricting May 9, 2011 Although Tarryl Clark is likely to regret buying a house in Duluth if this map becomes reality it has the advantage of not looking… Continue Reading
The courage to brown nose February 4, 2011 One of my old political heroes was Rep. Pete McCloskey who took on Richard Nixon in the 1972 nomination process. He got exactly one… Continue Reading
This non plusses me too February 3, 2011 In addition to Sunday liquor sales for Minnesota Senator Reinert will also introduce legislation to take the Aquarium monkey off the Duluth City Council’s… Continue Reading
I’m non plussed February 3, 2011 This is Senator Reinert’s second big promotion that I recall since he was elected to the State Senate. Sunday Liquor Sales. According to Roger… Continue Reading
“Gettin it done” January 25, 2011 I’ve seen what he’s done for Minnesota. I can’t wait to see what he does to America. > Continue Reading
Interactive Demographic tool December 16, 2010 This is a very cool demographic tool. I moved it over to Duluth and discovered what a white city we still have here on… Continue Reading
Our man in the minority? November 2, 2010 The DFL in Duluth just elected the eminently reasonable Roger Reinert to the State Senate where he may find himself in the minority among… Continue Reading
“Retain?” July 29, 2010 Here’s the Trib’s Editorial endorsement of Roger Reinert. I’m mostly pleased with the Trib’s editorial endorsement of Roger Reinert. I was but an afterthought… Continue Reading
Seniors and the property tax July 27, 2010 All the news and advertising coming out the the DFL governor candidates has been a boon to me. For instance thisKelliher story makes it… Continue Reading
About this graph . . . July 21, 2010 I’ll want to write about this graph and what it portends in the Minnesota gubenatorial race…….but not tonight. This site will explain it a… Continue Reading
The Governor can’t rest on the fifth day June 15, 2010 I’m not suprised that the Governor’s Ed Commissioner told Two Harbors “NO” on their plan for a four day school week. It wouldn’t have… Continue Reading
The fourteenth time June 11, 2010 Most of yesterday I spent shepherding my poor sick spouse to the Doctor or tippy-towing around trying not to wake her up. She has… Continue Reading
“…space doesn’t cost anything” June 3, 2010 One benefit of my blog is that folks to take the trouble to look up my email send me interesting information. (You can find… Continue Reading
Too busy to worry about K-12 stuff in Duluth May 26, 2010 Roger Reinert is now Yvonne Prettner Solon’s self appointed successor. (Don’t bother with the link. The Trib hasn’t got the link working at the… Continue Reading
Oh Great! May 24, 2010 After a lifetime in politics I get political emails from all comers. I got the billboard photos in the last post from an email… Continue Reading
Cheap money makes us stupid February 28, 2010 Eleven PM, Saturday. I should be going to bed. Feeling hot and sweaty. Just clicked a link to a blog post Vic sent me…. Continue Reading
Unions forever November 9, 2006 This is pretty astounding news. For Duluthians depressed at the City Council’s new policy of requiring a living wage for any business receiving city… Continue Reading
Bill Clinton just called November 6, 2006 I was dozing off with Moloc, one of our new cats, on my lap when we were both woken up by a Robo call… Continue Reading
Hatch dispatch November 4, 2006 I’m ususally irritated with Powerline, Minnesota’s best known blog, but I think they’ve pretty well got Attorney General Mike Hatch figured out. I may have to… Continue Reading
Snatching Defeat November 4, 2006 Minnesota’s gubenatorial race has been Mike Hatch’s to lose for the past several weeks after he charged ahead of Governor Pawlenty in recent polls. Mike’s thin… Continue Reading