Clap trap and my month of book writing April 24, 2020 I am deeply saddened because while I live in comfort and security homeless people, one of Republican America’s most successful crops, will be dying… Continue Reading
“In the case you would win what would be your task?” April 23, 2020 In this video I answer the question in the title. My French pen pal S. posed it to me this afternoon. I told S…. Continue Reading
Welcome to Harry Welty’s election central April 17, 2020 Move along there is nothing to see here. Continue Reading
ON TO CONGRESS! – Does the US owe any other country help? April 7, 2020 Does the US owe any other country help? Continue Reading
Polluted to death April 7, 2020 I used that phrase in my last video. Here’s what’s on my mind. Out of the habit of thirty years I washed this old… Continue Reading
ON TO CONGRESS! – THE VOICE reading “Miscellany” April 6, 2020 An experiment in teleprompters in lieu of a spontaneous answer to a question. Four minutes of reading my preceding Miscellany post. Continue Reading
Welty Campaign Miscellany April 6, 2020 Pete Stauber’s other challengers on the DFL side of things are having their own struggles with coronavirus as reported by the DNT. The more… Continue Reading
On to Congress! – The voice behind the blog – TVBTB April 5, 2020 Harry Welty is going to file for Congress once again. There are 10 million words to chose from in this twelve-year-old blog. That will… Continue Reading
TVBTB – Did you Screw up on the Red Plan April 5, 2020 Voters need to know a little of the back story of a candidate and there is no better part of my backstory than my… Continue Reading
TVBTB – Are You a Baby Killer – Sorry, not a two minute video April 4, 2020 President Donald Trump is the great Republican protector of life!!!! Honestly, How can I take anyone who believes this about our Pussy-Grabber-In-Chief seriously? You’ll… Continue Reading
TVBTB – How will the corona virus affect the future? April 3, 2020 The voice Behind the Blog And a couple more thoughts: I am a “have.” I am easily able to remove myself from most situations… Continue Reading