Pete Stauber’s other challengers on the DFL side of things are having their own struggles with coronavirus as reported by the DNT.
The more serious of the three has raised $100,000. That’s peanuts but more will come to whoever wins the endorsement as Fall approaches. In the meantime Congressman Stauber gets lots of free press. But Pete’s campaign depends on Donald Trump’s success. If Elon Musk or Bill Gates or some other multibillionaire comes up with a guaranteed vaccine independent of Trump the Prez would try to take the credit. People crawling out of their caves might reward him by giving him four more years to continue dividing his disunited America.
On the GOP side My campaign is limited by my attic office and the number of people who stumble into my blog or my Facebook campaign site which is still sleeping. I miss the ability to put a webpage together. 2018 was the first year I ran for office since 2000 without the benefit of a personally managed campaign website. I did have a family member put one together for me but it lacked the nimbleness of minute by minute changes I once was able to take care of. Lincoln Democrat as a blog is much trickier to manage that way. In the early years there was no traffic. Today Internet virality makes websites as potentially infectious as the cornovirus.
And all sorts of anonymous actors are busy on the virality front. Today an old acquaintance from the GOP of 1978 sent me this video IN ENGLISH. Its ominous and meant to be. It is however pretty obviously the work of a very sophisticated right wing European actors. No doubt the Kremlin would love it. I’ll spare you the Trump-worshiping, paranoia-spreading message but I think you could intuit it even here in the German tongue. These Are Donald Trump’s friends. They remind me of a movie where demons from hell thrust their claws up from below the pavement and pull innocents down to Hell. Go Trump!!!!
And a correction may be due from an earlier post. As with everything I’ve ever written on Lincolndemocrat what I posy regarding politics is subject to human fallibility – My fallibility.
A friend listened to a video in which I said that we (America) could have been working on a vaccine for Coronavirus for the last year. My friend pointed out that it was only in December – four months ago – that the virus was genetically sequenced. That is not a full year. I recall where I got the year long figure and I will check it out again. But I value my friend’s advice. I was told to avoid any misinformation that would call my campaign into question. Only the President has followers who think his lies add up to some sort of greater truth giving them cover to hold church services of a thousand people. Such faith! President’s bully pulpit screams nonsense. He even refused to let Fauci contradict him on his pet anti-malarial drug boosterism. This is not surprising. Trump just made sure the virus carrying commander of the Aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt got sacked for looking out for his sailors in defiance of Trump’s insistence on butterflies and rainbows.
Re PETE after me:
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.
Congressman Pete Stauber is a non-stop green light for our half baked Commander-in-Thief.