Thumbs up for Fox News April 9, 2020 This was going to begin as an argument about how fair minded I try to be while talking to people on the Right on… Continue Reading
Just another day on the job April 8, 2020 Just another day on the job for President Trump. Meanwhile Bernie drops out. I have a brother-in-law who will be steamed. He keeps sending… Continue Reading
Corona Virus Updates 4-7-2020 April 7, 2020 My Brother in law was chatting with neighbors where he winters in Arizona. The subject of the virus came up and the neighbors called… Continue Reading
Welty Campaign Miscellany April 6, 2020 Pete Stauber’s other challengers on the DFL side of things are having their own struggles with coronavirus as reported by the DNT. The more… Continue Reading
Blessed Assurance April 5, 2020 Church via livestreaming. We began with the song Blessed Assurance while sitting on our living room sofa. Claudia is hand sewing a mask together… Continue Reading
We are postponing Easter April 5, 2020 I have to give a little grudging thank you to President Trump. His stop order on flights from China slowed down the introduction of… Continue Reading
The only coronavirus lie of this administration that I can forgive April 4, 2020 And its not completely a lie and it came from a rightfully panicked health care system. In this the lie was not unlike the… Continue Reading
CNBC headline 1,000,000 infections, 50,000 deaths – worldwide April 2, 2020 That’s a five percent death rate. Five in every hundred infected people die. But then again there are a lot of unknowing carriers still… Continue Reading
President does right under protection of lies March 30, 2020 Like a cat who rolls off a bed while yawning but picks himself up and licks his paws as though to say “I meant… Continue Reading
Still life for the age of corona virus March 28, 2020 first of three pics. Moi avec mon nouveau look. Must keep up my French. I think my recent difficulty getting a good night’s sleep… Continue Reading
Grovel or your people die! March 27, 2020 Article: Trump says he told Pence not to call governors who aren’t ‘appreciative’ of White House coronavirus efforts Trump says he told Pence not… Continue Reading
My French pen pal’s video from Toulouse March 26, 2020 Sirens in Toulouse, France, last night warning people to stay under quarantine. It reminds me of London during the Blitz. Continue Reading
Trump’s Plague March 26, 2020 A Canadian journalist flees Florida for home with insights on the coming plague in Florida’s Trump land. Continue Reading
A nation of Trump, for Trump, and by Trump March 26, 2020 The franking privileges of our President: Why this useful postcard wasn’t described as coming from the CDC or described as being financed by Congress… Continue Reading
Home of the virus deniers slammed with infections March 23, 2020 Fox News hit hard despite claims of a hoax by its talking trumpsters: On Saturday night, Ms. Scott sent another memo to the company’s… Continue Reading