The Religious Left

I started a post earlier today about how the Roves, Abramofs, Reeds, DeLays etc. have betrayed the earnest Christians who have followed them into the GOP. It was too a big topic to cover in a bite sized post so I set it aside. 

I am an agnostic but I’ve attended church regularly for nearly a quarter century. I just got back from choir practice.  Socrates, no Christian he, said: “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I agree and attending church has been an important way for me to examine my spiritual life.

It would be a mistake for Democrats to generalize too much about “Christians” simply because they’ve been so ill used by the aformentioned sleaze mongers. Slate has a useful article explaining who the potential allies of the Democrats are on the religious left and how they should be treated. 

Don’t forget what Socrates said.

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