One reason ISD 709 better hope that a referendum passes…

…is this story about the Northstar Academy’s current decision not to begin a new high school. If a referendum fails there will be increasing calls for a new escape hatch from families that have children in 40 plus classrooms. That new high school could draw off another 400 or 500 students from ISD 709.

I can’t help but notice the name of one task force member looking into a new school who was quoted in the story. Just a few years ago he vociferously attacked me for demanding a vote on the Red Plan in letters to the editor and on the DNT’s abandoned chat page. He liked to say that my blog was a scurrilous and bestial place, or words to that effect.

Having gotten the new high schools at a cost of half a billion bucks he now wants to pull another 400 students out of them turning a calamity for the ISD 709 schools into a calamity squared. With Red Plan friends like that who needs enemies.

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