According to the Today’s Trib Editorial Duluth needs to “revel” in unbiased information about the Red Plan’s economic impact since some people have spread so much misinformation about it. I wonder who the editorial board could be referring to; me or the folks who even now, two years later, refuse to release important public data about the Red Plan its costs, justifications and origins? Someone’s got to report the news. Might as well be me.
Its ironic that on the front page the same Tribune there’s a story about a tax revolt by businesses in town over the cost of property taxes. Who does the Chamber speak for?
Skeptics of this economic development ought to call the Chamber and buy a ticket for Red Plan love fest and ask the tough questions that the Trib won’t ask or report. By the way one of the presenters Drew Digby sits on the planning commission that will decide whether an Environmental Impact Statement will be required for the hideous Ordean site. I wonder if the economic goodies out weigh the educational, safety and environmental negatives of the site. I hope he will be able to remain unbiased.