I often guess at old figures I haven’t reviewed recently. That St. Louis County School project cost more than I recalled and the costs, thanks to JCI, are rising rapidly. They don’t have nearly as many people to tap as the Duluth School District does to fix JCI’s errors and omissions. I got this email tonight outlining some of the impending costs for that botched JCI project. At least the Timberjay is poised to ferret some small part of the truth out of Milwaukee thanks to the unanimous decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Handsome Harry: glad you got the article from the Timberjay. The original bond was for $78.8 million, cost over-runs have totaled over $5 million to date and still growing, the IRRRB swallowed hard to the DFL and gave $275,000 to complete the Cook new school, never mind that not one ounce of iron ore was ever mined in Cook. And it’s not going to stop there. The school board, under the guidance of JCI, are going to the DFL controlled Commissioner of Education (read teacher’s union) for even more money to be tacked on our real estate statements all under the guise of health and safety. I’ll let you know, but this water contamination issue is going to cost mega bucks, JCI has already said they don’t have to pay. And there is more. We have two retired civil engineers who have worked up the numbers on the waste water treatment system JCI installed. The numbers don’t work. If we get a 6″ downpour, the system can’t handle that volume and has no choice but to run-off into Flint Creek, tributary to the Littlefork River, already deemed impaired. And WE all told them this before it happened.