I know my eight regular readers have been eager for a snippet of the book in progress. Sorry, I’ve spent a lot of time going through the thirty or so books I’ve read over the past six years to identify the passages and footnotes that I will be pulling from them. Its thirty down and five to go. (I saved the five biggest till last. They’ve given me a wonderful chronology of Minnesota’s…….OMG!
As I was typing that last sentence I thought of a book I hadn’t gone through. I turned around to get a good look at my bookcase and saw another 13 books to go through. At least I’ve read them all (or portions of them) already. I’ve dried up a lot of yellow highlighters too.
I’ve also got hundreds of News clippings and copies of Minnesota Historical records. I will have to be very single-minded to pull this together with all my notes and some yet-to-be interviews into a coherent book by the date of filing. I think Claudia was right to have me hold off on taking pre-orders.