The most concise and intelligent summation of the world’s refugee crisis and population control…

…takes 11 minutes to read. Its hidden behind a paywall while Fox (we just paid of Prince Harry for out part in getting his mum killed) News just paid Harry big secret bucks for the Murderous Murdoch family’s killing of honest news. I pity people dependent on Fox which spreads stupidity well beyond the Oval Office. Half of our Federal departments of government are now being led by their sex crazed ex talking heads.

Here is just one of the tid bits which has me interested in reading

“At the end of World War II, the victorious powers in Europe decided that ensuring peace on the continent required moving large numbers of people into more broadly homogeneous states. One of the biggest and most pressing orders of business was to uproot millions of ethnic Germans who had long lived in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and beyond, and force them to move within Germany’s new border.

This was a pitiless, brutal process. Writing in this newspaper in 1946, the journalist Anne O’Hare McCormick described her reaction to witnessing the forced resettlement of Germans: “No one seeing its horrors firsthand can doubt that it is a crime against humanity for which history will exact a terrible retribution.” This quote appears early in Tony Judt’s masterwork, “Postwar,” and Judt delivers a typically pitiless assessment of it: “History has exacted no such retribution.””

BTW I suspect I read a book review of Judt’s book back in 2006

I did order The Bitter Road to Freedom by William I. Hitchcock. The bookmark in my book is on page 98 of 373.

I have a post it note at the beginning of yet another book on the postwar. Savage Continent by Keith Lowe written in 2012. It is all this history that Europeans remember that keep them just a little smarter than Americans who have their heads up Donald Trump’s ass…for the time being.

The editorial behind the paywall points out that the western countries who are up in arms about the refugees of today are woefully underbirthed. ProtoTrumps like Hungary’s Orban are trying to get their young people to make babies but today something like only 6% of the baby making young people want to stay in Hungary. Trump still says Orban is a genius. Trump used to say that about Putin too but now he says Vlad is destroying Russia in the Ukraine. Donald Trump is a stoopid, stoopid, stoopid man.

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