She only mentioned this once after I’d lost a number of fruitless campaigns for public office. I don’t recall exactly when this was perhaps as she was helping me illustrate a children’s book that never came about because I didn’t know how to finish it.
My Mom wanted to be an artist. hen she began applying herself get the Art Degree she had given up to get married she locked in on becoming…well what she was told by her Art Profs was going to be the title of the book I may yet write to wit:
This was just weeks before she went into memory care and I took the liberty of painting a pretty bad acrylic painting of her in he Lincoln Rocker she had drawn me sitting in when I was in Junior High School.
The book, yet to be written would have been a coffee table book with her art work. I wanted to write about her love for her family and my experiences with her. There are a couple columns I’ve written in the past in which she figures some of which made into “volume one” of Not Your Usual Republican.
One thing I attribute to my upbringing is a ferocious belief that however human societies have divided up boy/girl stuff we are absolutely equal. Even before college long before I was inclined to get intimate with women I had a sense of the injustice women faced. One of my columns on abortion touches on that. In college I joined a fraternity and I mostly skirted around the worst impulses of some of my fraternity brothers but what I saw often made me bristle. That’s another book I’ve been inclined to turn my writing toward. At the moment I’m getting my dander up over the sexist crap being fomented by ex rapist Donald Trump and his hoards of bruised male egos of the possibility of losing again to another women which he avoided in 2016.
I hope Kamala wins and Trump’s traitors face having to figure out how to fulfil their threats of starting a new civil war. They are not empty threats.
I spent the morning preparing to travel down to Chisago county to put up lawnsigns. Last night I’d all but given up on the idea. I almost was ready to hop in the car at 10 AM but things didn’t work out. I’ll be ready tomorrow and may put in three days at it. I’ve got enough in my campaign account for a really cheapo room for a couple nights.
This afternoon I’ll continue reading the book about Eva Braun. It might give me a better appreciation of Melania Trump.
Oh, and I spent about the same 12 minutes talking about how I sang to my Mom after dementia took over that Hulk Hogan burned up tearing his shirt off at Trump’s presidential coronation. You can watch my video here: