Countdown 56 days

Whoa! I just missed a lot of diary days. I’ve been slapping up signs and working on several other
related campaign projects specifically passing out traitor bookmarks for Grandma’s marathon. As I type this at 10:22 Tuesday evening I’m ready for bed as the rain beats heavily above me on the roof. Sadly it sounds like this is the weather my little crew will have to contend with as they pass out lit along the Grandma’s course.

I’ve been so beat that I didn’t make time to type up the interesting tales from door knocking. I have a new introduction which within about ten seconds leads to this line. I intend to be Donald Trump’s worst nightmare in Minnesota…..I dropped northern after a while.

That will become a major section of my website soon and I will fill it up.

Yesterday I heard from a friend that his friends had purchased a book I planned to write exposing the horrors of the theft of our votes to build what in Duluth a decade ago was called the Red Plan. On page 229 I have a short piece about that book that I never wrote. I thought I had reimbursed every one of 80 to 100 people who had preordered the book. I never wrote it and thought I’d refunded all the buyers. I missed one. So before bed like Abe Lincoln walking miles to return a precious book I practiced writing an apology on scrap paper to see if it would fit on the inside cover page of my current book. It fit. This is the prototype. Good luck reading my scrawl.

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