Table of Contents

My last submitted column for the Duluth Reader appeared yesterday. It’s Table of of Contents.

I actually have one more week before I file for Congress and could have submitted a column but instead I sent one side of my bookmark to be used in an ad for the Memorial Day issue. My column’s tag end and the ad you may see next week mention that it is my intention to keep writing a NYUR (Not our usual republican) through August 13th. The catch will be that they must be read here on Lincoln Democrat.

I woke up last night and studied French for an hour in the dark hoping to drive my eagerness for this campaign out of my head. Still, when I returned to bed those campaign thoughts roiled away. My fit bit sleeping ap said the hour and a half of sleep I got before waking up was damned good. I’d recovered 70% of my mental rest……whatever that means. I still feel shorted.

I am working my way out of being a one man band and am coming close to enlisting what I hope will be an army to remove a treasonous congressman from representing our 8th Minnesota Congressional District. I made that assessment clear in the column. I’ve been organizing the online and campaign materials I’ll need to spread throughout the district and am coming close. I’ve ordered 500 lawnsigns that will be much easier to put up and 20,000 book marks. They will certainly advertise my book and my authorship of it but I’m treating them as advertising expenses for my business not campaign material. I’ll pass them out however as I ask people for yards to put my signs in leading up to Grandma’s marathon.

I reduced a 20 page prospectus down to seven pages to pass out to folks that I will ask to buy some of my books. I call it secret but don’t be surprised if I share all my secrets online. Here for instance. I can’t think of a better way to make a traitor tremble than show him I am so confident of rattling his cage I don’t have anything much to hide including my tactics and strategy. Pete Stauber will make himself scarce in debates. He’ll have to do it if he defeats me when he faces Jen Schultz but moi. No way. I’m not sure which is worse for him. Me saying he cheated in a hockey game or me saying he’s a traitor.

There are three photos I just took to upload to my Flickr page but traffic must be heavy as its been thirty minutes and they haven’t shown up for me to post here. The most impressive is of the full sloped ceiling which until this morning had perhaps 600 post-it notes on it of ideas for my book and other writings. I couldn’t bear to take them down. Having published my book I decided to place them (all yet to be addressed in future Reader Columns) in a fat three ring binder with about 30 categories of topics.

My office looks like an office again after seven or eight months. Both the ceiling and the floor is tidy. I will find it much easier to focus on the smaller and smaller list of critical objectives that will be my campaign.

Among them. I have to clean up my pay pal account and divide it into two halves. One is for the Welty for Congress campaign and donations which I hope to start receiving in volume after my book catches hold. The other is Welty Press. That is a name I used in 1992 when I first published a book to sell to finance an independent campaign for Congress when nobody knew who I was except for a few politicos who knew I’d been defeated running for the legislature and the School board four times. I not a stranger today…..just strange and perhaps the most familiar person in a town that has been intrigued by my snow sculptures for almost 40 years. How many UMD Students have dispersed across the state and nation with fond memories of the guy who made a sculpture or two every winter while they attended school?

That’s enough. Stay tuned.

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