Countdown 35 Days – A reassessment

I’ve been lying low for a week that in my original plan would have seen me traveling to one of the distant regions of the vast 8th Congressional District distributing my flyers condemning Stauber for hating America, American Democracy and being in effect Donald Trump’s permanent Stormy Daniels only without any fight in him.

Lying low because I was depressed how far from my ambitions over the last four campaigns I’ve fallen. Not much money. No serious interest in my book all with five weeks of fairly useless traveling, primitive living and very little to see for my last minute wild goose chase. It didn’t help watching Joe Biden putting on a dunce cap and wearing a death lily in his lapel to debate the blustering lying Trump on national television.

I told myself not top panic and I’m please do say I haven’t. On the other hand I’ve discovered my resolve to undo six years of Pete Stauber and his Republican Congresses cowardice/avarice routine. When I lose on August 15th I will continue the fight as long as the hot, wet, turd Trump is being spread across the landscape.

I have unburdened my silence on Biden who I will vote for if he is the only choice and it is an easy vote. His administration will remain to continue his steady if invisible healing from Trump’s war on decency. I’ve drug out my Woodrow Wilson analogy for others to consider and I think it is one that might actually persuade his kitchen cabinet to let the Democrats back away from a Biden death watch campaign.

I have had coffee today with a young fellow who tried to coax me into Andrew Yang’s potential third party two years ago. He failed but today he caught me up with a local politician who strikes me as the sort of person needed to restore, if it is still possible, two centrist political parties. To say I have a lot more to blog about is putting it mildly. A week ago I thought about landfilling my books and giving up on my Reader column after August 15th. Now for my mental well being and the nation’s future I think my thoughts are more important than ever…….especially in the event of a Trump return.

I will leave you with the Lincoln project’s dire but not implausible Trump future. I haven’t watched any of their weekly videos for a couple years. This one should be seen a dozen times by all the Trump voters who think his turn on the Apprentice was anything other than a World Wrestling Federation themed version of corporate America. There is a reason Trump lost so many people so much money. He’s about to lose Americans their democracy.

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