A Cornucopia of topics, tasks and missions

This post is getting put in the Harry’s Diary category. I am torn between my innate optimism and the sheer horror of how close the world is to Republican Reverend Pat Robertson’s prayers for an Apocalypse. So this is mostly for me when I look back if the Apocalypse is avoided to see where I was.

I’ll try to finish this today:

Its a tracing over a light box. For future generations it is the best Internet meme of last year’s inauguration of Joe Biden as President. Its of a mittened Senator Bernie Sanders. My wife took the image, like tens of thousands of other people did, and put Bernie into every imaginable setting. Claudia put him on the tail of my snow sculpture of Star War’s Jabba the Hutt.

When I came home with 500 business cards of the image she warned me to beware of copyright laws. The Getty group owns rights to the image and as the Editor of the Duluth Reader has warned me repeatedly they are infamous for taking people who use their copyrighted material to court. I so love Claudia’s meme that I think it is the perfect means to promote my ideas for the project that is now almost as plain as the nose on my face. But I don’t need to fight off Getty. Hell, that old oil billionaire was cold. He let his nephew get his ear cut off by kidnappers instead of paying them a ransom. I’m sure you can google it.

So I’m taking the image and making my own copy of it. That should be pretty good protection because my copy will not be the photograph. At least that’s my hope. When I shrink it back down and put it on Jabba I hope everyone thinks its the original meme. It won’t be.

So, I have a dozen writing projects started. I’m going to get some mini books written and I’ll begin passing them on to people that I would like to help me on my looming “project.” Then I’ll put full book together that will help me spread the word even more.

Just in the last two days so many writing ideas have popped into my head I hardly know where to start…….so I’ll finish coloring in Bernie while I let them steep in my head like a fine tisane….(herbal tea in French)

Here are some prospective titles:

The Greatest Irony

Rural Job production by sending black convicts to private prisons where underpaid guards hold gladatorial combat for control and fun.

The Supreme Courts worship of the golden calf with Dark money

Silent Spring. My first memory of an animal apocalypse in Topeka Kansas.

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