How corruption, dictatorship and Trump live incestuous lives together

I created a new category for this post at this time. Its Democracy under threat. I post it at a time when 64% of Americans say they fear for America’s democracy. Its under threat all over the world except in Western Europe. These are countries that got the modern idea of democracy from America. They are more than a little troubled themselves at the prospect of Trumpian coercion taking over the land of the Free of debt and Home of the Craven.

My view has always been that dictatorships are the most prone to corruption. Trump world has kicked American corruption to a level not seen since the years between the Civil War and Teddy Roosevelt. 1860 – 1900. My view of Russia and China is that they are not dictatorships of Free enterprise especially for the most cleverly corrupt political insiders. They have reinstated their tsar and emperor. This little video about China’s thin veneer of corruption clean up shows more clearly just how corrupt the nation is. I’ll admit I derive this from the headline. I haven’t watched it but I suspect it would turn my stomach at a time when my own nation is doing its best to do the same.

China’s Anti-Graft Show Is Educational, With Unintended Lessons

Ironically, I am more hopeful of Russia which slipped away from state propaganda after the Iron curtain fell. The news has all but been turned into a single voice for Putin as he tries to justify litetime tenure as Tsar. But I watched a fun series about the future of robots as our companions last year which was very cynical and anti-establishment. Such productions are not possible in State controlled China.

Its called Better Than Us. If you can handle subtitles I recommend it.

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