Christmas Beyond Earth

I woke up to three inches of perfect fresh sticky snow a couple days ago. Although I had no plans for a snow sculpture I thought I should take advantage of my week of maskless grandsons fully quarantined and now regular visitors for the first time since March of last year. They more than proved their metal. Two days ago they helped me move an alien’s worth of snow from my back yard to my front yard. We buried the Thanksgiving turkey and accepted their grandmother’s suggestion that we make the Baby Yoda from Disney’s Mandelorian.

Two days later we were almost ready to paint it today. Then, after a too warm night, disaster struck.

The boys came over today and the warm weather that had boxed our Baby Yoda’s ear also allowed for its repair. This time I cheated and drove stakes into poor Baby Yoda to make sure warm weather wouldn’t work its evil magic again any too soon. Then when I decided to protect the right ear from another fall from grace I drove a piece of rebar into it. It had other ideas. It fell on the arm below, lopping it off, and delivered yet another devastating blow to our house guest.

Furious work replaced all three appendages…..if two ears the size of legs can be called that….and not a minute too soon.

A blizzard to be began whipping us brutally as we finished up. The warm snow I had set aside for repairs was becoming fully frozen and unworkable but there was still just enough for six fingers for Baby Yoda. New ones. They too got knocked of as we repaired ears. We just finished painting it Christmas colors as the snow began to fall a harbinger of a storm front. All Hell broke loose.

We went in for hot chocolate.

It was a delight to build a politic free snow sculpture. May the Force be with you.

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