I was too busy attending to my new Grandson to pay a lot of attention to the news. The election in Massachusetts to replace Teddy Kennedy was up and the Democrats deserved to lose. The Democrat controlled legislature kept changing the rules on Senate elections to suit the Kennedy clan and the Democratic Party. The winner of the Democratic primary was a lousy candidate and a Republican legislator with some panache turned the tables on the machine and got himself elected to replace Teddy in a state with a 2 to 1 Democrat advantage over Republicans.
Republicans rallied to defeat his opponent though she largely defeated herself. Had she gotten elected Obama could have gotten the Health Plan passed. Now that seems unlikely. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Health Plan is probably a pretty good plan. Its supported by my kind of Republicans Bob Dole and David Durenberger. But they no longer have a seat at the GOP table and the plan is now apparently toast.
I’ve been hearing intriguing things about Senator elect Brown. He’s a baby mangler among other things and frankly, the GOP needs a few more baby killers since they chased me out of the Party.
I’d only read one source of information about the Republican candidate and it wasn’t very flattering. I did learn among other things that the new GOP Senator supports Roe v. Wade which intrigues me. Now after all the self congratulation coming from the GOP about taking the Kennedy Senate seat the real powers of the GOP are weighing in.
I’ve taken these two quotes from an Andrew Sullivan blog post. I like Sullivan mostly because unlike most know-it-all pundits he readily concedes when it can be demonstrated that he has uttered a foolish line or made a mistake. By the way, much of what I import on this site that isn’t related to the Red Plan is lifted from Sullivan’s website the Daily Dish. If you want more of it and less of me check it out.
So, what do the ideologues in the GOP say about the new GOP Senator now that he’s gotten himself elected?
Glen Beck – FOX News:
I want a chastity belt on this man. I want his every move watched in Washington. I don’t trust this guy. This one could end with a dead intern. I’m just saying. It could end with a dead intern.
Randall Terry – Operation Rescue:
I – like many other political activists – am enjoying the moment of “Ted Kennedy’s seat” going to a Republican. The problem is that Scott Brown supports Roe vs. Wade. In other words, he supports the brutal murder of children in the womb for any reason; he defends the barbaric practice of those babies being decapitated, or chemically burned to death, and then casting their mangled bodies into sewers and landfills for graves. Simply put: He is not a friend of the babies; he is their enemy… We need to replace Scott Brown as soon as we can with a true defender of babies’ lives, not a phony who supports their murder.
Short Honeymoon. If they keep this up he could join Arlen Specter the Pennsylvania Republican who became a Democrat when the GOP threatened to unseat him because he was a RINO. (Republican in name only)