Handsome Harry falls out of favor

For much of my fight against the Red Plan I had an avid ally up North. I quoted a few of his emails to me over the years. He began them by saluting me as “Handsome Harry.”

Since Donald Trump came on the scene my Finlander Pal has been outraged by my disdain for our new President. He made his disgust plain to me by resorting the the “N” word to describe Barack Obama in emails to me. I have little doubt that reading my posts calling his hero a Pussy Grabber and a dildo have only heightened his outrage. He’s sent me another couple N laced emails. My inclination has been to rub salt in his wounds as I did after one such email by sending him a Guardian Article about the financial losses many Trump Properties are taking. I wrote back that Trump might end his Presidency a millionaire. That prompted my old pal to shove a new log in my eye. In it he insinuates that I have not been giving my eight loyal readers a fair and full review of his arguments. Well, this time I will do so but you will have to hit the “more” button to read his email in full:

It begins:

The stock market soared to a record 26,000 today, my wife and I (the little people) have 401k’s soaring, Trump reversed the n

igger’s ban on exploratory drilling in Northeastern Minnesota, Trump reversed the nigger’s WOTUS and returned state’s waters rights to the little people in Northeastern Minnesota and Kansas, Trump has vowed to strongly support personal and PRIVATE gun rights to the little people which the nigger wanted to take away from us, Trump has reduced the size of the nigger’s National Monuments in Utah giving the land back to the little people, Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, Sonny Perdue as USDA Secretary and Ryan Zinke as Interior Department Secretary (all good things for the little people in Northeastern Minnesota and rural America, including Kansas), Trump eliminated the nigger’s roadblocks to the Keystone pipeline completion (good for the little people and hopefully lower efficient fuel costs), Trump got rid of the nigger’s war on coal and assured the nation’s poorest rural people of the lowest cost electricity from their rural electric cooperatives in the future and put the many unemployed coal workers back to work enabling them to live in the communities where their families have lived for generations and where they want to continue to live. He helped the Steelworkers Union and now their leadership is shitting on him! How can a normal, rational person not be grateful for his deeds on the little people’s behalf?

I know you can’t get it that the nigger did nothing but set back race relations more than 50 years and created the most divided America in my lifetime. He is about black supremacy, not equality, black supremacy. The nigger fought to take away the rights of all rural Americas, impose his will on good, hard working people (instead of kicking ass on the niggers in Chicago who he trained and are killing people in record numbers) and destroy our way of life and jobs. And he never had a psychiatric exam? He is not a black. He’s a nigger…and he brought it all about himself.

I guess a disgruntled school board loser has to find excuses, other than blaming the DNT, for his misery. This old Finlander boy may be old, but he ain’t sold.

Now you got material that you can out snippets to suit you on your blog.

For now there is little I can do but share my former friend’s ardent demonstration of the great gulf dividing us. I wish I could say that he is an outlier.

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