Don’t make me gag

Sorry to make my readers sit on pins and needles while they await word about our work to secure a security bond. Hey, I’m sitting on them too. At least they are a bit smaller than they were Friday and yesterday. They started out like darning needles but they are down to the size an accupuncturist might use to cure a headache.

I’m so busy I haven’t even had time to read today’s or yesterday’s Trib with big the stories about the Planning Commission meeting today and an editorial that suggests that the Ordean High School’s skeptics are a bunch of weeping, emotionally clueless ditzes.

Golly, maybe we are! We’re not at all like the cool, rational folks at the Trib – who have raked in God knows how much money from Dr. Dixon’s ads – and know which side their bread is buttered on – and can thus make perfectly sensible decisions to keep their bottom line from turning any REDDER than possible. I plead guilt to the charge of being an emotional softy. I just get a little choked up at the thought that our children will all have to attend S***hole High School. Sorry. I just can’t help myself trembling as I am in this emotional tizzy.

Oops! That’s another nasty word I’ve posted on line for the whole world to read and that PG will tear his hair out over. Thank goodness I typed in the asterisks or I’d probably be reading about his having a heart attack in tomorrow’s Trib. That would be good for their bottom line. They like stories of mayhem and violence. They’re a lot easier to report.

After lunch I’ll catch up on the papers and I might just have a thing or two to say about their recent content. Maybe I’ll even have word of our efforts to secure the bond…….but remember……my gang has me under a gag order.

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