Treating them like our teachers

I found this on Andrew Sullivan’s blog the Daily Dish.

What’s happening in Iran is exciting. Thank goodness we didn’t have a President who decided to send American troops in to make Iran a democracy. The folks there may do it on their own instead of have it shoved down their throats like the goodness of the Red Plan.

This website been set up by the religious thugs who are beating and shooting the democratic idealists. It posts photos of the demonstrators and asks people to identify them. Presumably once identified they are toast.

I don’t know Farsi but I typed in a bunch of gibberish in all the boxes and filled in the letters and numbers to send my gibberish to whatever Iranian Gestapo agent plans to catch the protesters. Maybe our school administration could do the same thing. Follow me with a camera and take pictures of any teachers I might meet and then post their pictures online to have them identified and dealt with.

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