Stuff it!

I face long hours stuffing envelopes to deliver door to door around Duluth. They are both information sharing and fund raising and they are the most fun I’ve ever seen in campaign literature. I got immediately bored and it occurred to me to show what its like to stuff envelopes and while I videoed myself.

I laughed at the ridiculous but true things I said about the Duluth Schools for ten minutes until I had to quit to go to Sunday dinner with my daughter’s family. The grandsons were going to get to eat two of the fish they caught yesterday. Here’s Uncle Craig helping take a fish off the hook. Both boys caught three. I only caught one. They were very happy about this.

And here’s a ten minute video of me stuffing envelopes and laughing, ruefully, at my own jokes about the plight of the Duluth Public Schools.

If you don’t want to wait for me to put one of these invitations in your door to donate for snow sculpture trading cards you’d better order them online here:

Oh, and its 500 envelopes stuffed 9,500 to go……..and 10,000 door to stick them in before I order the next 10,000 envelopes.

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