The other half

The Trib’s editorial today concerns a survey financed by the City about local attitudes about Duluth. I haven’t read the story. I’m not sure if it will be in the hard copy I’ll pick up at my front door in a few minutes but this paragraph was arresting:

The numbers include that only 48 percent of the approximately 564 Duluthians who filled out and returned the randomly mailed survey (which has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent) said Duluth’s public schools were “excellent” or “good.” That’s below the national average.

Of course, if only 48% of our residents think our public schools are good or excellent 52% think they are poor, mediocre or have no opinion about them at all. I’m sure when Dr. Dixon blasts his sixty foot deep holding basin out of the rock at Ordean and chases off the eagles public attitudes will improve.

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