Tea Bags

I hadn’t planned on going to the Tea Bag protest at the DECC but I needed to get a check signed and so I drove over. The check was to pay for a second mailing to our 2,000 contributors telling them about our suit – the one they paid for – and our immediate plans to attract a few speakers to the next school board meeting on Tuesday the 21st. We want them to protest the pending vote to gut Ordean two years early at at a cost of $51 million for a crappy high school.

When I got to the rally I realized that however different their political perspective was than mine they cared about their taxes. I ran downtown, literally, and rushed back with over 400 of our letters to pass around. People took them gladly.

These were Republicans but I recall my pleasure at the DFL Convention last year when hundreds of people spontaneously introduced resolutions asking the City Council to slow down the Red Plan. Fighting the Red Plan is the most bipartisan issue in Duluth.

One TV station reported 500 participants at the DECC. Wrong! I passed out 440 flyers. I may have reached half the audience.

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