The DNT’s take on school leadership

The DNT Editorial today was longish and reasonable. You can read it here.

I’ll only include my remarks as they were reported:

Count Duluth School Board member Harry Welty among those wishing Gronseth good luck in his job hunts.

“(He) has a lot to offer any school district, and I told him I wish him well whether he remains our superintendent or seeks new experiences and challenges elsewhere,” Welty, one of the three School Board members who has been “less than positive,” said in a statement this week to the News Tribune Opinion page. “I don’t begrudge Superintendent Gronseth the chance to consider a new superintendency. It is rare for school leaders to anchor themselves to a single district for their entire career, although it is obvious Bill has deep ties to our community. He tells me his roots in Duluth go back to the 1890s.”

As for “positivity”………It’s often overrated. Witness Hillary Clinton’s SNL Avatar Kate McKinnon in October of last year at the 3:30 mark – “I think I’m going to be President!”:

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