Since Art, Alanna and I succeeded in getting the School Board to record and livestream the committee meeting of the School Board they are appearing live on youtube. At least that is my understanding.
Board members often tell the public after the fact at our School Board meetings the following week that this is where we hash out all of our School Board agenda items.
This afternoon’s Human Resources and Business Committee may be particularly full. Alanna, Art and I asked to have the proposal of Many Rivers Academy added to our agenda and to be discussed with Many River’s representatives tonight. Instead a resolution was offered that would allow a majority of the School Board to prevent the visit or discussion from taking place. Somehow not following our school policy doesn’t seem entirely sporting.
Also we have been sent a contract with the Superintendent that has apparently been negotiated (by someone) and is being presented to us eight months ahead of schedule. It could be an interesting coupla meetings. Watch them at 4:15 here:
If you watch any of it let me know………I was under the impression we broadcast this on television’s channel 187.