Another Koolaid drinker is beating up Let Duluth Vote for spreading misinformation in the Trib’s letters to the editor today.
What is startling in all these accusations is that not once do these LDV critics offer a single example of misinformation as though simply hurling the accusation makes it true. The best Ms. Walsh can say about or recent fundraising letter is that it contained: “accusations that appeared completely unfounded.”
Actually, that’s sort of refreshing. Its all but an admission that she doesn’t know whether what we claim is untrue but only that our accusations appear to her to be unfounded.
These critics and the folks at Move Forward Duluth are so disinterested in the dirty little secrets under girding the Red Plan and Johnson Controls et al, that they’ve never bothered looking under the rock for fear of finding some creepy crawly. In this the Red Plan advocates are as willfully ignorant as the members of the Duluth School Board. Let Duluth Vote has turned that rock over.
In instance after instance the School Board’s claims are far less reliable than Let Duluth Vote’s claims. Check them out on the LDV website. Sorry, the website is a bit chaotic but look for the link to “Know the facts.”
One thing is indisputable. Until JCI and Dr. Dixon entered the picture no one ever imagined denying Duluth’s voters the chance to decide the fate of such a gigantic school building plan. If the Koolaid drinkers hadn’t been so eager to avoid the possibility of losing a referendum two years ago they would not be fighting a rear guard action now.