Rather than simply link to today’s letter-to-the-editor on the Red Plan I’m republishing the entire letter.
The most recent revelation in red plan is the construction of a $6 million stadium – once eminent domain removes families and clears land. The new eastern Duluth high school will have students driving, adding to congestion on London Road and Superior Street. Meanwhile, the existing 70-acre Central High School site, with a field in place and room for expansion, would have almost zero impact on its existing neighborhood.
Yet none of this seems pertinent to the imported school superintendant with no deep roots in this city or his bonus-awarding, deaf-eared board members unwilling to let the taxpaying citizens’ voices be heard by a vote in these troublesome economic times (with the exception of School Board member Gary Glass).
The new eastern high school would escape most of the city’s diversity with the 14th Avenue East split, despite this age of racial balance. Those of us who have lived our lives in Duluth know Lake Avenue is the town’s center, with 136 streets to the west and 85 to the east. Denfeld students would be drawn from 10 miles to the west and four miles to the east. East would draw from within four miles, both east and west.
This is only possible without a vote in a first-class city or in a city with a population exceeding 100,000. Duluth achieved this rating in 1970 when its population was 100,558. Language added to state law indicates that until a city loses 25 percent of its population it retains its rating.
So without a vote, and since Dixon came to Duluth and resides in its eastern end, it seems to many of us that if you live out east you can have your cake and eat it, too. Just don’t expect to buy a jug out there – that’s off limits.
Tim Kaspari