Meanwhile back at JCI’s Ranch

A lonely, grateful supporter of the Red Plan sent this email to buck up the spirits of the unloved Board majority. While thumbing his nose at the three minority members he asks the Board to do what Board and Administration have refused to do and the minority would like to have done. Spend Red Plan (alleged) savings in the classroom!

That’s a Red Plan supporter for you. Clueless and uncivil.

His email:

P_______ A___ [p*******]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 7:50 AM
To: School Board

Dear all;
I read with pleasure the editorial in this morning’s DNT. Good work! (Although members Glass, Johnston, and Casper have been so thoughtlessly obstinate in their opposition to the Red Plan that I can’t extend this little pat on the back to them.) I suggest that you not return the surplus to us taxpayers. We have starved the school district of money for so many decades that I feel you should take this opportunity to re-invest it in education (programs or teachers or more physical plant).

I’m very pleased to see the buildings that are going up around town. It bespeaks a commitment to education that we can be proud of!

To most, but not all of you: keep up the good work!

A___ P_______

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