Jeb Bush February 24, 2012 After a recent GOP Presidential debate: “I used to be a conservative, and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve… Continue Reading
A picture worth a thousand votes February 24, 2012 What you are looking at with some comparisons. Continue Reading
“The Rich are different from you and me … February 24, 2012 …they have more money.” They don’t mind defaulting on their obligations when their McMansions become a drain. “But with a recovery in the housing… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day February 24, 2012 I couldn’t find “plutocrat” or “filthy rich” but I’ve made previous allustions to “multi-millionaires.” Continue Reading
Will we get a Congressman who pickets… February 23, 2012 …against the official he hopes to replace? I saw City Councilor Jeff Anderson in photos of the placard wavers. I was not impressed. Continue Reading
When copyright laws were extended to 75 years… February 23, 2012 …I paid attention. We need a Congressmen who would take us back to the original intent of our copyright and patent laws. They are… Continue Reading
MSNBC fired Pat Buchanan… February 22, 2012 …who has annoyed the heck out of me for ages for being a neanderthal Republican. Shame on MSNBC. He’s not your typical ideologue. He… Continue Reading
“Think tanks” that sound… February 22, 2012 …like they came from the Soviet Union:” “Heritage wants to unify the social conservatives, foreign policy hawks, and free marketers. In politics, there are… Continue Reading
These 61 year old bones… February 22, 2012 … have enjoyed a reprieve this Winter. From Becky Mortensen, UMD student: Keep hope alive. There’s talk of a foot of snow this coming… Continue Reading
Bookin it update February 21, 2012 For those of you wondering what’s happened to bookin it posts I hope to resume publishing them by the end of the week. The… Continue Reading
Money and meanies February 21, 2012 The thing that I notice about this chart of spending presidential races pegged to inflation is that the high spending races have all been… Continue Reading
I graduated from a “factory school” February 20, 2012 Not that I wouldn’t like them to change a little. If Santorum is his children’s teacher they will be better ideologues than Americans……..just like… Continue Reading
Who’s Wagging the Dog February 20, 2012 Electoral Wasteland – Where the most unreasonable hair at the tip of the tail can wag the GOP dog: So far, three million voters… Continue Reading