This is the nation that most of the GOP presidential candidates… November 13, 2011 …want to bomb Iran: Modern Israel. In economic terms, the haredi revival in Israel has been disastrous. Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community is ever more dependent… Continue Reading
Armistice Day November 11, 2011 I’ve been in KCMO for the past couple days. Here’s the scoop in brief. My Grandfather George Robb was honored on November 10th at… Continue Reading
Holy Cow! The Trib printed my letter November 11, 2011 Apropos the last post: Reader’s view: The flight of Duluth students is Dixon’s legacy The writer of an Oct. 6 letter seemed disappointed Red… Continue Reading
How much have we paid JCI so far for the Red Plan? November 11, 2011 According to Gary Glass: “payments to JCI as of 10.27.2011 = $42,844,432.85” That’s so far. Looks like Gary was using a pretty conservative estimate… Continue Reading
Spoiling for a fight November 11, 2011 Art Johnston is a pain in the neck. He’s also been elected to represent the people on the School Board. He’s proven to me… Continue Reading
Grover, Cameron, Seliga-Punyko as cheerleaders for levies November 10, 2011 Reading this story of three board members blaming another for the failure of the operational levies brought the following history to mind. 1997, Tim… Continue Reading
I’m glad I’m out of town… November 8, 2011 …even though Oklahoma’s earthquake has been shaking things up here in KC. They’re not as severe as the ones shaking Duluth. 2nd District………………Votes………Percent Judy… Continue Reading
I’m goin to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come November 7, 2011 My grandfather was a war hero. The little college he attended is putting up a memorial dedicated to him and a dozen other graduates… Continue Reading
Its not my newspaper – I just subscribe November 7, 2011 Unless my five week old letter was published in some obscure corner of some back page that I missed its still waiting to see… Continue Reading
live wire November 4, 2011 I was going to title this with the cliche about being up to the wire then thought of a better cliche. The District’s hopes… Continue Reading
Cluck, Cluck, Cluck November 3, 2011 It took the DNT nearly a month to get around to publishing my letter replying to Ralph Doty. I still haven’t seen it. Tomorrow… Continue Reading
Chickens coming home to roost November 3, 2011 Today’s Trib was non-stop coverage of a failing school district. I hardly know where to begin except to say that it all began with… Continue Reading
How did the Europeans get their undies in a bunch? November 3, 2011 Maybe it was Germany’s fault. The same currency that made German exports more competitive also made the exports of other European countries less competitive…. Continue Reading
It takes one to know one November 1, 2011 Today the letters to the editor really kicked in. That is a phenomenon that always emerges when the general election draws near. It means… Continue Reading
Keep on the Sunny Side November 1, 2011 I’ve given Judy Seliga-Punyko a cold, calculating treatment since she bested me in the school board election four years ago. She’s tall, pretty, athletic… Continue Reading