A change of subject- January 14, 2017 If I was going to squander my Saturday afternoon blogging it was to be on the MSBA conference but that may end up being… Continue Reading
Breach Birth of a Nation October 7, 2016 There was an article on the movie title turned on its ear “Birth of a Nation” in yesterday’s DNT. The original “Birth” gave birth… Continue Reading
ISAIAH AND THE ETHICAL PROPHETS September 23, 2016 I slogged through the first six chapters of my first Prophet, Isaiah, last night. It was mostly words passing by my eyes. I’ve got… Continue Reading
Segue from Mr. Robot to Megamind with some religion and poly sci. mixed in September 19, 2016 I just read a synopsis of Song of Solomon in a fat Bible Commentary to better understand what I had just read. The commentary… Continue Reading
The abandonment of true journalism September 18, 2016 Donald Trump is, among other things, a fellow who has profited mightily by the faltering of twentieth century journalism. In its place is a… Continue Reading
Madison and Monroe – state’s rights before States September 15, 2016 Before I delivered my grandsons to school this morning I had a half dozen posts pounding on my door begging to be written and… Continue Reading
Sex Education September 12, 2016 One of the most engaging articles in the Sunday paper was written by an intern for the Duluth Budgeteer, Ryley Graham. It was about… Continue Reading
The school board’s HL Mencken is retiring September 8, 2016 Loren Martell just called. He is abandoning his coverage of the Duluth School Board. Loren was frustrated that his column this week only made… Continue Reading
Nibbling at my priorities September 5, 2016 In no particular order: A. I got this email from my Buddy and answered it. I won’t include my reply because it points a… Continue Reading
Books for students today and yesterday August 21, 2016 I am off for a week with the grandsons and not planning on taking the computer or blogging. I do intend to check my… Continue Reading
IN THE SHADOW OF YOUR WINGS August 13, 2016 In the co-ink-ee-dink department. After devouring a couple chapters of my biography of Wendell Willkie I picked up the Bible so as to stick… Continue Reading
Me, my summer Blog audience and a glimpse at the plethora of stuff brimming over in my head August 12, 2016 My daily audience has shrunk by half this summer. I think there are two primary explanations for this and I have no idea which… Continue Reading
Psalm 10 and Octopus Ink July 29, 2016 In the six months since I’ve returned from Jerusalem I’ve managed to get over half way from Genesis to the last of the minor… Continue Reading
Olive’s Egg June 19, 2016 This is Olive’s Egg. It was an impulse buy I couldn’t resist while we were shepherding our grandson’s around St. Paul’s Como Park Zoo…. Continue Reading
Break for books May 25, 2016 I’ve had a bit of a respite from School Board work for gardening and books the latter of which keeps my mind busy. On… Continue Reading
Blasphemer or Gadfly? May 16, 2016 To quote the beginning of the Sunday Trib’s Editorial: “The blasphemy was uttered by an elected official. Of course elected. Easy political points. Except… Continue Reading
Harry reads Adano April 9, 2016 I love this book. It won a Pulitzer in 1945 the year after it was first published and while the Second World War was… Continue Reading
War and Peace and the Duluth Schools April 7, 2016 I have a modest civic responsibility – to do my best for the ISD 709 schools. When I moved to town in 1974 I… Continue Reading
Good guys and Bad guys in books April 6, 2016 Sandwiched between School board related work I found time to finish reading one book to Claudia and started another. The book finished was yet… Continue Reading
Seven days left to file for the Duluth School Board July 12, 2015 No one is watching the filings for the Duluth School Board more closely than I am. Some will no doubt be watching with an… Continue Reading