Remember the Alamo April 12, 2006 I’m getting up at 4AM tomorrow to fly out to San Antonio. The cat will be left in the tender mercies of my son…. Continue Reading
Lincoln vs Bush as Commander and Chief April 12, 2006 Another top officer, who declined a promotion in Iraq because he could not abide serving under Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is calling for his… Continue Reading
OMG April 12, 2006 Incredible! I just discovered that I don’t have to e-mail my posts. I can do it from our new laptop. I’m such an old fogy! All the… Continue Reading
Becky Lourey vs. Cheney’s Governor April 12, 2006 One of my perks as a new Democrat who has yet to be discovered as such by the Republic Party is that I get… Continue Reading
Yucks or yuck with our regular guy in the Oval Office April 12, 2006 Putting the President in the lower right corner (see previous entry) pales in comparison to what he himself does to his own reputation. This… Continue Reading
The Power of Makeup April 12, 2006 Never underestimate the power of makeup A candidate for the Duluth City Council election sent this to me last year and I counseled him… Continue Reading
Psychoanalyzing Bush April 11, 2006 There’s been debate for years over the usefulness of psychoanalyzing Presidents or presidential contenders. Some of our loopier Presidents have turned out pretty well…. Continue Reading
Duluth Schools Endowment Announcement April 11, 2006 Posting will be light this week because I have a serious project to pursue. That’s too bad because a great many important news streams… Continue Reading
Finegold for President April 10, 2006 As I was reading Joe Klein’s recent observations on why candidates seem so remote to the public – he blames consultants – it occured… Continue Reading
Neologism (new word) Hoot April 10, 2006 Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings… Continue Reading
and on a Musical note April 9, 2006 My daughter Keely drove up yesterday. She had agreed to sing at our church this morning. Shortly after 9/11 I featured her high school… Continue Reading
and now something useful April 9, 2006 Since my appointment as a trustee of the Duluth Public School Board Endowment Fund last fall I’ve been slowly working on a plan to… Continue Reading
Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me April 9, 2006 Another member of the Defense establishment, Lieut. General Greg Newbold (ret.), who saw George W Bush’s Iraq war as the adolescent’s escapade it has since proven to… Continue Reading
McCain and Revelations April 8, 2006 This is very interesting video interview of John McCain by Tim Russert who challenges the “maverick” Senator on his recent raprochment with Jerry Falwell. (My blog software… Continue Reading
DECC Decked? April 8, 2006 It’s bad luck to predict misfortune because such predictions can become self fulfilling prophecies. That said, its looking grim for the DECC’s hope of receiving state… Continue Reading
This week in Pictures April 7, 2006 • SEE THE SLIDE SHOW a nice three minute break Continue Reading
How to fold a shirt April 7, 2006 There are two things I really need. First, I need to lighten up. Second, I need to fold my shirts more efficiently when I’m… Continue Reading
A non tendentious Bush criticism April 7, 2006 If, as my friend suggests, I’ve been too tendentious (argumentative) in my criticism of the President let me direct you once again to Andrew… Continue Reading
Right versus the Truth April 7, 2006 Moments after posting the previous entry I realized the difference between the two. If you were hiding a Jewish family in your attic, during… Continue Reading