McCain and Revelations

This is very interesting video interview of John McCain by Tim Russert who challenges the “maverick” Senator on his recent raprochment with Jerry Falwell. (My blog software doesn’t have spellcheck and I don’t know if raprochment has one or two r’s. Rats! Not long ago I spelled prerogative “perogative.” Phooey! I’m only the pronouncer at our local spelling bees in Duluth. I’m not one of the contestants. I’m not that brave.)

As a “McCainiac” in 2000 (I began a website for his Minnesota campaign) its a little distressing to see him pulling his punches on the folks who treated him in such an unchristian fashion. On the other hand, pragmatic politicians always have to prepared for the awkward political necessity of sleeping with surprising bedfellows now and then. I hope for the Senator’s sake that Falwell doesn’t snore.

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