The Captain wasn’t listening to his Commander and Chief April 7, 2006 Andrew Sullivan has all the relevant quotes. Among them: “There’s a lot of leaking in Washington, D.C. It’s a town famous for it. This… Continue Reading
Bush League perogatives – my reply to the Captain April 7, 2006 Â These Bush supporters are pretty cavalier about what the President can do. Apparently they think he can do anything in the national interest. And… Continue Reading
A friend sends me the “Captains” pooh poohing of the Libby Affair April 7, 2006 This is an excerpt of blog entry that fairly yawns with disinterest at Scooter Libby’s shenanigans. You can read the whole entry and the “Yes Sir,… Continue Reading
Where will the next wave of guest workers come from? April 6, 2006 Mark Kirkorian’s NPR commentary on immigration is fascinating and unexpected. I read recently that Mexico is one of the world’s richer nations which adds… Continue Reading
Bush OK’s leaks of national security info – so what? April 6, 2006 The Moderate Voice lists five consequences of Scooter Libby’s fingering President Bush. This administration does not just have a credibility problem, it has a… Continue Reading
Since Iraq has been such a success why not one more? April 6, 2006 Reports from various sources here, here, and here strongly suggest that the Bush Administration is intent on attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities. “Several experts and… Continue Reading
Did the Founding Fathers lie to Tripoli? April 6, 2006 A reader took strenuous issue with my post suggesting that the Founding Fathers did not regard the United States as a “Christian Nation.” Pointing to… Continue Reading
Here were hanged April 6, 2006 I got an email yesterday from a student at my old alma mater, Mankato State, which was rechristened Minnesota Univeristy, Mankato. I get such… Continue Reading
The Religious Left April 5, 2006 I started a post earlier today about how the Roves, Abramofs, Reeds, DeLays etc. have betrayed the earnest Christians who have followed them into… Continue Reading
George says “the United States…is not founded on the Christian Religion” April 5, 2006 In its April 10th 2006 story “God and the Founders” Newsweek had this stunningly secularist quote from America’s founding fathers: In a treaty with the Muslim nation… Continue Reading
Another GOP angel falls from grace April 5, 2006 It is a familiar notion that when the devil makes his appearance he shows up as a handsome, smooth talking, charmer. The liberal magazine “The Nation”… Continue Reading
On a scale from one to five April 5, 2006 I missed a call yesterday from some Republican Fund Raising call center. Since I was gone the solicitor asked my wife “On a scale… Continue Reading
Tom DeLay saves the Republic Party from Barbara Streisand April 4, 2006 I was just listening to Tom DeLay on the News Hour on PBS. He explained that he had to take a bullet for the… Continue Reading
More on Zinni – April 4, 2006 A powerful excerpt from Zinni’s new book that makes it plain that the Bush Administration was a ship of fools when it launched the… Continue Reading
Climate change debated April 4, 2006  My SUV reply didn’t sit well with my Global Cooling coorespondent: Harry: Apparently you referred to me as a skeptic of global warming. Change… Continue Reading
Tom DeLay “…had guys across the aisle…” April 4, 2006 At the moment I’m listening to NPR’s talk show and, of course, Tom DeLay’s resignation is the topic. According to Republican pollster Frank Luntz,… Continue Reading
Moral Dilemma April 4, 2006 I find myself wearing the same damn shoes I wore in 1973. I’d protested our involvment in Vietnam in peace marches. My opinion was that… Continue Reading
Black Market Hoot April 4, 2006 Do they sell these things clipped under the flap of their trench coats? Continue Reading
Buying off Republican think tanks April 4, 2006 One of the legs supporting the Republican Revolution was a proliferation of think tanks headed by such folks as Grover Norquist. Here’s a lovely example of… Continue Reading
Oberstar’s Buddy Delay calls it Quits April 4, 2006 Congressman Tom Delay mired in corruption will not run for reelection. How much this will cripple his Congressional buddy Jim Oberstar remains to be… Continue Reading