About the District’s financing September 15, 2011 The Zenith article accurately explains that no one, apparently not even Bill Westholm a recent top ISD 709 Administrator, much understands the District’s financing…. Continue Reading
Ten percent of ten percent September 7, 2011 Today’s story about new money for the District walks back an earlier story that said about 150 new students had enrolled this year over… Continue Reading
Reflections on Today’s Sunday Trib August 21, 2011 As I begin writing this post I have but thirty minutes before I leave to pick up Steven to take him to our church… Continue Reading
And they gave her applause! August 13, 2011 Bachmann is a joke – or not – if you are paranoid enough. Here’s a sussinct appraisal! JOE SCARBOROUGH: Michele Bachmann’s first answer, Mark… Continue Reading
School funding on the chopping block July 4, 2011 The Duluth District just had to borrow twenty million to keep running, something it hadn’t done, if I remember correctly, since before I was… Continue Reading
Shutdown July 1, 2011 Tim Pawlenty makes sure that Grover Norquist understands Minnesota’s Republican no taxes, bring on the shutdown, position is the right one. Continue Reading
When Republicans oppose “local control” May 7, 2011 Republicans make a big fuss over the virtue of “local control.” They extol its virtues especially in the field of Education where they do… Continue Reading
Nuts February 8, 2011 In addition to having a low tolerance for the self-righteous (for example Red Planners) I don’t much care for ideologues (idea worshipers). I’m essentially… Continue Reading
Robotic finance – and my nerves rubbed raw February 7, 2011 [I apologize for putting this long blog post in unedited but I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’m not paid $155,000 to… Continue Reading
The courage to brown nose February 4, 2011 One of my old political heroes was Rep. Pete McCloskey who took on Richard Nixon in the 1972 nomination process. He got exactly one… Continue Reading
Five Day Tim? July 14, 2010 It seems that Two Harbors request to implement a four-day school week has been denied for a second time by the State. After the… Continue Reading
The Governor can’t rest on the fifth day June 15, 2010 I’m not suprised that the Governor’s Ed Commissioner told Two Harbors “NO” on their plan for a four day school week. It wouldn’t have… Continue Reading
The fourteenth time June 11, 2010 Most of yesterday I spent shepherding my poor sick spouse to the Doctor or tippy-towing around trying not to wake her up. She has… Continue Reading
“a break trust with the voter’s” law May 17, 2010 From the Minneapolis Star Trib Bid to let schools renew taxes without a vote sinks K-12 bill By PAT DOYLE, Star Tribune Last update:… Continue Reading
Minnesota GOP seconds Sarah Palin’s choice of Governor May 5, 2010 Nuff said. Well, actually I’m not sure nuff said, quite says it all. I attended most Minnesota State GOP Conventions from 1972 until Tim… Continue Reading
Another victim of the Red Plan? February 13, 2010 Maybe she should have been a dancer. Damn catty of me, I know but I’m not in any mood to buy a bouquet of… Continue Reading
Compare Duluth’s newsletter with real journalists February 13, 2010 A blistering editorial in the Timberjay concludes: So, we appear to have an exaggerated financial crisis. We have what looks like overstated savings from… Continue Reading
Dixon’s predictions January 12, 2010 My God! This is what comes from using operating money to pay for the Red Plan construction Duluth wasn’t allowed to vote on? Superintendent… Continue Reading
Putting another Dist. behind the Eight Ball June 27, 2009 These news stories were just emailed to me. I’ve followed the story for a few months and talked to some unhappy folks about it…. Continue Reading
The Governor’s nominee June 21, 2009 I received a letter yesterday from Governor Pawlenty informing me that he has submitted my name to President Obama as a nominee to serve… Continue Reading