Oberstar You Tubed

GOP apartchik, Michael Brodkorb, was quick to send the embarrassing video of Jim Oberstar huffing and puffing at Rod Grams to You Tube. Its not surprising that Jim has avoided debates so assiduously through the years if this is the best he can do.

What provoked this attack was Rod’s assertion that Jim lives in Maryland rather than Minnesota. Of course, this is true and has been so for forty years and more. Rod waved the titles to Jim’s Maryland home around and Oberstar had a hissy fit. Rod called the house “Jim’s million dollar mansion” which leaves me to wonder if Rod knows anything about housing costs on the East coast. My modest home in Duluth is a quarter that according to our property valuations and we bought it 19 years ago for a fraction of its current value.

Among the other big issues Rod keep raising are:

Jim’s repeated trips to France. Big Deal.

Jim’s rare returns to the Eighth District. Demonstrably false.

Among the issues Rod doesn’t raise:

Jim’s wife’s lobbying Jim while he was the top Democrat on the  House Aviation Committee. Maybe because Rod became a lobbyist himself after he lost his Senate seat.

Jim’s close cooperation with Tom Delay and Denny Hastert on issues appealing to socially conservative voters like Terri’s Law. Perhaps because Rod is just as conservative.


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