Moving the goal posts

A frustrated GOP is continuing its recent history of changing election laws to make it easier to control Washington D.C. Losing to that commie Obama has them very frustrated.

Of course this is old hat for the Dixiecrats. From Reconstruction on they built up laws to keep blacks from voting so that only 4 or 5 % were able to vote anywhere in the old confederacy. Civil Rights laws of the 1960’s ruined that although the South still had its laws preventing ex cons from voting. That gave southern law enforcement a great incentive to put as many voting age blacks in prison as possible a practice that has increasingly been adopted in the North as their legal mores have spread.

With the velvet hammer and now a convict himself ex Speaker of the House Tom Delay they began messing with reapportionment starting in Texas. Delay’s GOP forced through a second mid decade reapportionment plan in the 2000’s to add another half dozen GOP congressman to the Texas delegation.

The Grand Old Party has recently been rubbing its collective hands together at the prospect of taking blue (democrat leaning) states and breaking up their electoral votes so that they are awarded to presidential candidates congressional district by congressional District instead of winner take all. Of course this is only being considered by Republicans in Blue states. Red state legislatures have no interest in giving a democratic presidential candidate any electoral votes from their Red Congressional Districts.

All of this is completely legal. Its not fair, of course but as they say all’s fair in love and war. The GOP is at war. Culture war.

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