How dare Rod Grams campaign

According to today’s News Trib Story Jim Oberstar will debate Rod Grams three times but no more because Jim is offended:

“Oberstar said in a news release that his challenger ‘has incessantly lied about my record, spouting half-truths, fabricated facts and even outright lies. He is not campaigning in good faith. He is not negotiating in good faith. And under those circumstances, I see no need to continue dialogue at this time.'”

If Jim’s political forebearers were as prissy as Oberstar we’d never have had the Lincoln Douglass Debates. God Forbid that Jim would meet with Grams to point out his lies and half truths.

God forbid either Grams or Oberstar would meet with Welty to straighten him out.

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  1. I was actually quite perturbed by that article. To think that the two “major” candidates can’t come to terms on how often to debate should make anyone question their ability to come to terms with other membes of congress on reaching solutions to problems. Grams asking for so many debates is a ploy to force Oberstar to have to ask for less, thus making him appear inaccessible. OTOH, it is clear Oberstar wants to debate as little as possible, and rely on his imcumbency and bank account to win the election for him. They could have worked this out privately and in a civil manner behind the scenes.

    Further, there is one other voice — Harry! — whom neither candidate wants to include, since you are potentially a spoiler for either one of them. It’s not like you are an Idaho survivalist candidate, whom they would want to exclude on the basis of being a wacko. The only reason to not include the ONE other candidate is for stategic advantage.

    This is such a clear example of political BS, the type of which gives us what we are getting in DC right now. Debate three or four times, be happy with it, and let Harry Welty into the discussion. Does that seem to ominous or difficult? Sheesh.

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