Time to report to the Clerk

After raising or spending $5,000 congressional candidates have fifteen days to disclose their financial conflicts of interest to the Clerk of the House of Representatives. I just deposited $2,500 into the bank so I’ve crossed that threshold.

Would that I could deposit $200,000. It would help boost my Quixotic campaign to a new level. Fortunately Chris will be getting my first serious fundraising letter out in the next week or so and place some radio ads. he might even be able to get a couple of lawnsigns up.

Mel will order a some magnetic signs for my car which I will put to good use when I get back from Denmark. I’ll be resting while our Congressman are having anxiety attacks about getting their do nothing 109th Congress over with. I know they are eager to get back to their districts to talk about all their accomplishments.

I hope that in my absence Mel and Chris feel free to kvetch about the hassles I’ve left them with and share some of their opinions. I hope they have some outlandish ones to keep readers coming back. To the extent I can find the time and internet access I’ll make a few appearances myself. Maybe I’ll even upload a photo of the little mermaid in Tivoli. She’s as slippery as Grams and Oberstar.

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