This is an apology to Mel who was puzzled by my inclusion of two “You Tube” videos on the blog. Mel’s dial-up connection hasn’t got the horsepower for videos without a deadly long wait. Since half the Internet connections of this district’s voters are dial-ups a lot of my potential visitors could be put out. I’ll have to warn them when I link to videos.
Mel is new to my blog and started reading it in the last couple of weeks when I didn’t have time for the miscellaneous “Hoots” I’d been sticking on the blog earlier. I’ve assumed that regular visitors would be interested in a little variety and not just my fevered rants and ruminations. Some of the things I run across are gems even if they have nothing to do with politics. I’ll include them if I figure they might lift an eyebrow or coax a guffaw out of a visitor. That improbable video of the police officer investigating the DUI suspect got a laugh out of me. If nothing else the things I stick on the blog give evidence about the kind of person I am – deadly serious one minute but eyes twinkling the next.
If you don’t have the bandwidth to watch a video then skip them but as for me, I like to lighten things up after a morning taking in grim news. I plan on living to be one hundred and I’ve always agreed with Reader’s Digest that laughter is the best medicine.