A polster called this evening. Evidently they can call as long as they’re not selling anything. He asked if I was me. He asked if I’d be attending the caucuses in Feb and I said I wasn’t sure. Then he listed three DFL candidates for Congress and asked if I knew which candidate I would vote for. I told him I didn’t. That was the truth.
It was a nice interruption in my day. Long time readers know that I’ve been wrestling with legal hassels of three varieties for five years. That doesn’t even count filling out the damn finance forms for Congress when I ran in 2008. I don’t know why I bothered? Cravaack got elected and he apparently never bothered to file his own.
Well, I’ve got one more legal hurdle. It involves an underfunded Minnesota court system saving money by forcing conservators to file new and indiscipherable online accounting reports for the people in their care. Last year the legal help it took to get this done probably cost my Mother, who is charged with the expense, about $5,000. That’s over and above about two weeks of frustration that my wife and I dealt with trying to figure out the damn state software ourselves. This year I’m trying to do it on the cheap myself. Wish my Mom had a spare $5,000 but she needs it for 24-hour-care. Selfish woman.