Issues Issues Issues

While I’m playing host I’ve been forced to try and write before my Father-in-law wakes up and after he goes to bed. My first posts have been around 6AM and my latest posts have been uploaded after 10:30PM. Its not surprising that my writing often reflects my grogginess.

My friend Mel is particulary concerned about this and he has been joined by my campaign manager. Tonight Mel pointed out that spinach is the correct spelling not “spinich” and that I should have writen over instead of “of” in one of my posts. Mel is correct that some readers will consider this a poor reflection on me but I’ve concluded that most blog readers prefer instant comment to grammatically correct comments. Ironically, I have been the pronouncer at our regional spelling bee for the last ten years. Note that is “pronouncer,” Pro-noun’-sir not s-p-e-l-l-e-r.

Mel wrote that he enjoys reading the diary aspects of this blog but he thinks I should put more issues content on it so people can see what I stand for. Again, if I had more time I would like to do this. Indeed, its what I did for the first four months of this blog’s existence. The evidence is to your right where many issues are listed with links to postings that make it clear what I think about them.

To do this blog justice I need enough time to read and find worthwhile issues articles pro or con that I can react to.   Time is a luxury I am finding it harder to come by. I used to tell people who were angry that the Duluth School Board could pass all the resolutions it wanted requiring our administration to plant money trees but that it wouldn’t do any good because there are no money trees.

Granting voters more time can’t be legislated either although, as I recall, one state recently changed its daylight savings time in part because they thought it would increase the state’s productivity. I think it would have been better if they had simply issued sleep ration stamps. Then we could monitor people’s sleep and use the Patriot Act to arrest anyone who tried to sleep in.

Oops. I think I may have just let an opinion on an issue slip out. Call the FBI.

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