The Unity Party

Yesterday I got the suprise of my life. I discovered that there was a Unity Party. I posted to that effect. I got an even bigger surprise when a Unity Party member sent me an email telling me that I was the talk of the new party. I was thrilled. Some of these folks are tech savvy in ways that could help broadcast my message.

I did a quick check of their forum and discovered that the talk had turned to some doubts about whether I was the candidate for them. What caused the stir was a recent post about the possibility of my getting Minnesota’s Independence Party’s endorsement. Can two minor parties share a candidate?

I sent a short reponse to the Unity Party’s forum suggesting that in politics coalitions help form majorities and that since both Minnesota’s IP and the Unity party were parties for moderates that this could be a good thing.

I’m eager to find out how both parties feel about sharing me.


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