JCI’s easy profits up north

In reference to the mess up north I just got this note from an irate observer:

Harry: Wouldn’t it be nice if God stopped by on the face of the earth and forced Johnson Controls and 6 of 7 school board members to pay back the $78.8 million out of their own pockets. We could reopen the Orr School, which has an operating surplus of $600K and the Cook School. They can demolish the parts of the new construction and restore the land to it’s original condition. Poor Tower people. JCI has already demolished the finest portion of their school, the 1917 building built with Oliver Mining Company money and the natatorium. Former Tower representative on the school board told me an inspection of the 1917 building passed all fire codes (because of the marble stairways) and was a sound building. Nuts, this whole episode in life has been. ***

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