Yesterday I finished …

My 500 piece jig saw puzzle my snow sculpture and the 320 page book on the Chinese Typewriter.

Today I haven’t done much. I did rehang my monkey army which will last longer in the back than the snow in the front unless someone steals them. I did watch a harrowing American Experience at noon that I missed last November of the military takeover of the government by Trumpian racists in North Carolina in 1898 that Karl Rove’s tariff loving president, William McKinley, couldn’t send federal troop to quell because he was up for reelection in 1900.

more on the coup here.

The previous two days I saw an excellent part 1 and 2 on the Great Migration narated by Ancestry buff Gates on PBS the fellow who had a neighbor call the cops on him because she was alarmed to see him enter his own house in her neighborhood back in the first year of Obama’s presidency when Barack said the obvious that there was just a little race paranoia at work white America went bananas and he had to quell the disquiet with what he called a “beer summit” between Gates and the cop who came to arrest him. And two lunches before that I saw the relatively ancient two part-er on Thomas Jefferson by Ken Burns that were exceptionally complete pictures of the man over three hours. So, I’ve been getting my history in even as I let my writing slide.

A friend sent me a cheery email on Tad and Dad a column I won’t link to until it appears in the Duluth Reader but here is my finished sculpture

And here is the warlock with his monkey army in back

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