I was aggravated to see the word long on the Readers’s website printed at “-ong” in my column today. I have yet to pick up a copy of the Reader at Mt. Royal to see if it was misprinted there as well. I also checked the file in my computer that was attached to the email I sent in for the Reader’s submissions. I was gratified to see the mistake was not mine as there was no hypen in my long. The word began properly with an l. What the l?
This was my first column since coming up short in the primary against Pete Stauber. I take heart that the three non Stauber candidates for the 8th district got 2,000 more votes than the Trumpy Stauber. That bodes well for an otherwise unlikely win for Jen Schultz who’s lawnsign, one of the big ones, now graces my front yard.
I particularly enjoyed writing this column. I’ve thought about writing about my old PhyEd teacher Luverne Klar before and this particular column was fun.
I did submit a different photo (the one above) than the one the Reader’s editor put online that showed the Pro Wrestler Gorgeous George. Mine was a ringside shot of billionaire Don Trump shaving the head of billionaire Vince McMahon after a ginned up war between the two entrepreneurs. Mine might have been replaced for copyright reasons. If I’d submitted my column after my visit to Minneapolis yesterday I’d have had another image to show. It is the first AWA World Heavyweight wrestling belt “won” by Verne Gagne shortly before my family moved to Minnesota in 1963.
I found the belt in the Minnesota History museum yesterday.
Here’s the link to the Readers version of my column with Gorgeous on it……
Ironically the identifying info next to the belt shares Champion Gagne’s view of the elevation of heels like Trump to the top of WWF popularity.