Its here but I’ll share the text below in case you can’t get past DNT’s paywall.
Honoring Lincoln’s legacy, I’m Trump’s worst nightmare
Harry Welty
Candidate’s View
It would be a shame, a damn shame, if there were no more Republicans who traced their spirit back to Abraham Lincoln. He kept the nation together. He reminded us of our revolution’s legacy that all men are created equal. He proved that even in heartbreaking times a sense of humor is not out of place. It helped him survive repeated failures.
I say this well aware of the News Tribune’s frequent description of me as a “perennial candidate.” I am. My candidacy this year as a Republican to represent Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District is the 21st time that I’ve filed for public office.
When I was young, my aim was simply to win a legislative seat. It still is, and nowhere has our nation’s weaknesses been more exposed than in our national legislature. Inflexible legislators like Rep. Pete Stauber are a curse. Worse, never has any political party so muzzled lawmakers as has the Trump cult, where any divergence from the former president and his many lies means a one-way ticket to oblivion.
Neither Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, nor Ronald Reagan ever demanded blind loyalty. Reagan had an 11th commandment for Republicans: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican.” Trump ridicules their wives.
If I have been perennial in my pursuits, it’s partly my character and partly my refusal to forget Lincoln’s legacy. It is my intention to be Trump’s worst nightmare in Minnesota this election. I want to stop the infection that has reached the Supreme Court. It just ruled a president is above the law.
Two years ago I said Stauber lied to God when he took an oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies. Twice! Stauber is not a friend of democracy. People in Duluth remember that, 10 years ago when we were denied our right to vote on the infamous school-district Red Plan, I raised hell. I did so using my head, not my mouth.
As Republicans shunned me for my stand on abortion rights, I turned to the Duluth School Board. I worked diligently to offer choice. Had it not been for me, our charter schools would have been shut down in 1999. I’ve also challenged Republicans as an independent candidate twice and, liking Democrats, I’ve even flirted with their party. Slandered as “ultra leftists,” Democratic politicians generally align with the Beatitudes of the New Testament. Of course, that is pretty radical.
Rather than the children, they become Republicans worshiping newly conceived eggs. They do not understand that every day the average human experiences between 50 and 80 billion cell deaths. Each of these dying cells has the full DNA complement necessary to create human life.
I like Democrats. I detest dishonesty. I urge Democrats and independents to vote for me in the Republican primary on Aug. 13. Minnesota’s open primaries are a legacy of politicians who didn’t trust political parties. Make use of that legacy.
P.S. I’m not perennial. I’m unbowed.